• Wigston Meadows
  • DWH_construction-9
  • 013 BG_OverstoneGate_DWH_Northamptonshire_Hertford_Lichfield_Winstone_5bed_4bed
  • DWNW_PavilionGardens_Drone_Construction
  • New Mill Quarter 1

We have zero tolerance for modern slavery (including human rights violations, child and forced labour or human trafficking in any form), in our own operations and our supply chain. Based on our annual risk assessment, we believe the business has a low overall risk of modern slavery in both our own operations and in our immediate supply chain. However, we are pro-active in ensuring we are making our workforce, sub-contractors and suppliers aware of the potential risks.

Barratt Redrow plc is committed to ensuring our business policies, procedures, requests and contracts do not place unnecessary demands on a supplier which may lead them to violate their obligations. We invite our trades to join the Supply Chain Sustainability School in order to give them access to courses and training materials designed to help eliminate Modern Slavery and Forced Labour, which are available online.

Further information is available by following the link to the UK Government website…


To find out how to protect your workers or to access further information please also visit the following website…


Barratt Redrow plc Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement is located here...