As part of the Group's Vision, Priorities and Principles, a key element is the principle of "Keeping People Safe". As part of our continuous improvement strategy we believe that all Injuries are preventable and reported (along with near misses), so that we learn from them.
As part of this strategy we will focus on what we have defined as the 3C's to delivering positive Safety, Health and Environmental performance within the business:
- Culture - Promoting Improvement through leadership and worker involvement
- Consistency - In applying our Standards across all developments and business units
- Competence - Staff and Sub-contractors trained and knowledgeable in the standards

Five Steps to Safety

The purpose of the "Five Steps to Safety" is to raise awareness within the workforce of the need to review their work activity and assess if the controls in place are sufficient for "Keeping People Safe". We also want to encourage workers to report unsafe acts or conditions (near misses) on site and to provide a means in which to provide suggestions to improve our performance.
As part of this programme all site teams should provide a briefing to workers on the overall concept and objectives of this strategy. The 5 Steps process is designed to complement but not replace the risk assessment process. The 5 steps are:
- Stand Back - Stand back from the task ahead of you and observe the work area and surrounding location
- Take Time to Review - Consider the task and evaluate what you can do better today
- Evaluate the Risk - Consider the sequence involved in carrying out the task and any hazards associated with it. How will the work affect yourself and anyone else?
- Plan the Task - Review what you need to do the task safely - What else do you need? Can the task be done in a different way which will reduce the impact on yourself and others?
- Keep People Safe - The overall objective is to ensure yourself and others affected by the work are safe. Continue to assess the work and if required stop and go through the steps again
If you observe an unsafe act or condition and cannot deal with it yourself, please immediately inform your site manager. If you have any suggestions on how we can improve health and safety or would like to record any observations please complete a suggestion/observation card located in the welfare facilities.